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{Wednesday, June 18, 2008}

Ramblings from Work, Vol. 14

So for the past couple months...well...almost two years as a matter of fact, whenever somebody I hadn't seen in awhile would ask me what I was up to, I could only quietly mention 'work and scuba diving'. Other than maintaining an ever-present social life and working out frequently, that's pretty much all I do. Don't get me wrong - I love scuba. It makes getting through my job bearable, but my life sems to have been in a holding pattern ever since I took a break from school two years ago and I am very pleased and excited that I now have some solid events coming up.

First off, and probably most importantly, I'm going back to school in the fall. I got really burnt out with music so now I've decided on photography. Even the classes in the curriculum get me all tingly. I'm looking forward to school with an eagerness I've never felt before. Plus (and maybe this is why I'm so happy) I'll finally, once and for all, get to quit my job. I've even got a countdown...not including today I have 40 days left. Hopefully I'll never have to work an 8 - 5 job again.

Secondly, I'm taking an Instructor Training Course right before school to become a certifiable Scuba Instructor. It's going to be hard, it's like a 10-day all-day boot camp. I'm looking forward to it with mixed anticipation. I really like the four other people doing it with me and I feel extremely confident in our group's abilities and dynamic.

Lastly, I'm taking more pride in my body and I've been working out a lot. It also helps that I have a workout buddy who's very motivated himself and motivates me as well. I've even gotten to the point where I feel guilty on the few days I don't work out. I like the post-workout buzz and energy.

There's one other thing on the front I'm trying to work out, but I'm going to keep that under wraps until it's a sure thing.

Until next time... :)

Current Song: 'Grapevine Fires' by Death Cab for Cutie

posted by Megan 3:47 PM

{Sunday, June 01, 2008}

My Promise

Okay kids,

I know it's been almost inexcusably long since I've written anything in here and for the one or two of you who have noticed, here's my promise...I'm not going to update you now. It's getting to be my bedtime (ah yes...that pesky full-time job of mine requires sacrifices), BUT I do promise to update the cyber world on all that is going on in my life very soon.. Shouldn't be too hard or take too long, but there are some interesting new developments.

Until then, I bid you all adieu...

Current Song: 'I Grieve' by Peter Gabriel

posted by Megan 10:30 PM
