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{Friday, October 17, 2008}


So school is kicking my butt. I forgot how much fun midterms are...if I never took another history or spanish class, my life would be great. I am, however, LOVING my intro to photography class (duh). Even though everybody complains about how long it takes for all the darkroom stuff, I love every minute of it.

Sorry, this is gonna be a short update cause I still have another spanish midterm to study for tomorrow.

posted by Megan 1:05 AM

{Thursday, September 25, 2008}

Why Not?

Type your name in my blog comments.

Once you do that, this is what I'll do for you:

1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you which song or movie you remind me of.
3. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
4. I'll tell you my first memory of you.
5. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
6. I'll ask you something I've always wondered about you.
7. I'll tell you my favorite thing about you.
8. I'll tell you my least favorite thing about you.
9. If you play, you have to put this on yours.

posted by Megan 5:46 PM

{Friday, September 19, 2008}

NEW!!! (For now at least...)

Okay kiddos, so a lot has happened since I last updated. I quit my job mid-August. I can't even tell you how happy I am about that. I'm so much more positive, less lethargic, and feel as though I have a sense of purpose again. I don't know how anybody could spend an entire life working a job behind a desk.

Immediately following, I went through my instructor training for scuba. I can honestly tell you I've never done anything as demanding physically, mentally and intellectually. Seriously. For 10 days straight, mind games were played on very, very little sleep, physical exertion was high, and stress was a constant. In the end, we all passed. Now we're actually teaching the classes, some of us with our training wheels still on. That's probably a good thing since we have a TON of students this semester! :)

Immediately following, school started. Sometimes I feel like I'm totally out of my element, going back to school and surrounded by all these younger kids. But on the other hand, I know I'm progressing myself and it keeps me going. Tests and projects are in full swing. My photography class is by far my favorite, I look forward to going every day. We've already developed some of our own pictures and I feel as though I own them, they're completely mine in every way.

Haven't really found a job yet, but there's this really good thing on the horizon. I'm good for money for now anyways. It's weird to think I haven't worked in a month, I feel lazy somehow.

That's all for now. Hope you all are doing well.

posted by Megan 3:19 PM

{Wednesday, July 23, 2008}

Ramblings From Work, Vol. 15

Three weeks from today.

I submitted my resignation from my job this past Monday and will no longer be employed (temporarily) in three weeks. Crazy to think that after two years of mundane, predictable, boring everyday life, my entire world as I know it will change. And I can't wait. For too long now I've had very little to no surprises, change, or even unexpected events occur and I'm getting restless. Change will be good for me. So, I'm quitting my job in exactly three weeks. I will miss some people here, others I could care less if I never saw again.

I start instructor training for scuba three weeks from this Friday. That scares me. I feel in no way prepared enough to be at the caliber I'd very much like to be. But on the other hand, at this point, I just want to get it over with. I'm too much of an analytical person and just want a reprieve from all this worrying and stressing.

The very day after my 10-day training boot-camp-from-hell ends, I start school. It's an unbeliveable mixture of both excitement and worry. I can't wait to start doing something new, something fun, and something I enjoy again. But on the other hand, I'm constantly having dreams where I screw up somehow. It's like that dream where it's the first day of school and you're naked onstage, but it's repetitive and at least I get to keep my clothes most of the time. But I'm ecstatic about learning photography.

So until all of that stuff happens, I'll just continue to work, study/practice scuba diving, and work out. I'm going to have to quit my membership at LA Fitness when school starts because why pay for a gym membership when you get it 'free' at school. I will miss my gym buddy not only for his 'personal trainer'-like dedication, but also for all the good conversations. Oh well.

Until next time...

posted by Megan 2:03 PM

{Wednesday, June 18, 2008}

Ramblings from Work, Vol. 14

So for the past couple months...well...almost two years as a matter of fact, whenever somebody I hadn't seen in awhile would ask me what I was up to, I could only quietly mention 'work and scuba diving'. Other than maintaining an ever-present social life and working out frequently, that's pretty much all I do. Don't get me wrong - I love scuba. It makes getting through my job bearable, but my life sems to have been in a holding pattern ever since I took a break from school two years ago and I am very pleased and excited that I now have some solid events coming up.

First off, and probably most importantly, I'm going back to school in the fall. I got really burnt out with music so now I've decided on photography. Even the classes in the curriculum get me all tingly. I'm looking forward to school with an eagerness I've never felt before. Plus (and maybe this is why I'm so happy) I'll finally, once and for all, get to quit my job. I've even got a countdown...not including today I have 40 days left. Hopefully I'll never have to work an 8 - 5 job again.

Secondly, I'm taking an Instructor Training Course right before school to become a certifiable Scuba Instructor. It's going to be hard, it's like a 10-day all-day boot camp. I'm looking forward to it with mixed anticipation. I really like the four other people doing it with me and I feel extremely confident in our group's abilities and dynamic.

Lastly, I'm taking more pride in my body and I've been working out a lot. It also helps that I have a workout buddy who's very motivated himself and motivates me as well. I've even gotten to the point where I feel guilty on the few days I don't work out. I like the post-workout buzz and energy.

There's one other thing on the front I'm trying to work out, but I'm going to keep that under wraps until it's a sure thing.

Until next time... :)

Current Song: 'Grapevine Fires' by Death Cab for Cutie

posted by Megan 3:47 PM

{Sunday, June 01, 2008}

My Promise

Okay kids,

I know it's been almost inexcusably long since I've written anything in here and for the one or two of you who have noticed, here's my promise...I'm not going to update you now. It's getting to be my bedtime (ah yes...that pesky full-time job of mine requires sacrifices), BUT I do promise to update the cyber world on all that is going on in my life very soon.. Shouldn't be too hard or take too long, but there are some interesting new developments.

Until then, I bid you all adieu...

Current Song: 'I Grieve' by Peter Gabriel

posted by Megan 10:30 PM

{Thursday, February 07, 2008}

School, Countries, Decisions, Life...

I find myself in the middle of a very difficult situation and I have no idea what to do about it. Either way I go, things could go great, or not. And I'm a little frustrated because someone I usually enlist for advice has been preoccupied, but oh well. That is why I find myself putting it all out in here.

So here's the deal - I want to move to New Zealand. Yes, I'm absolutely serious. I got to thinking while in Cozumel about how I've never really lived outside of Arlington and before I settle down with the career, family, etc, I want to have experienced my fair share of the world. I see living and working in New Zealand for a period of time as fulfilling that. For a while after returning from Mexico, that 'want' was very much a 'need' for me. I'm getting more than enough support from my parents and most friends (that I've told anyways).

On the other hand, doubts and some other friends' expressed opinions have since lessened the desire. It's hard to explain what exactly this feeling is that I have to go out and experience something for myself and it's just easier not to. It just feels right to me and I guess I'm the only one who needs convincing here, right?

All that being said, I've been thinking about photography a lot, professionally speaking. I could quite seriously see myself pursuing a degree in that field and enjoying the job. I know enough people in the field and have enough of an interest to actively pursue it. I want to get started with this back at school as soon as I feel possible. This would also, of course, take a second to becoming a firefighter, which I still adamantly want to pursue first and foremost.

So my dilemma is this: Do I indulge in my need to experience a different life and culture overseas for six months and return to 'normal life', or enroll in classes in the fall and accept my life here?

Feel free to tell me whatever you think. At this point, I'm open to suggestions...

Current Song: 'Transatlanticism' by Death Cab for Cutie

posted by Megan 4:29 PM

{Saturday, January 19, 2008}

Open Water Weekends 1 & 2

Currently Watching: '10 Things I Hate About You'

posted by Megan 10:55 PM
January 19, 2008

So, back from Cozumel and already hating work. I don't think that's ever going to change. But I've finally finished posting pictures here. I saw my first three sharks! The trip itself was pretty good. I had a relevation right at the end that might seriously affect my life here in a few months. I'm still working on it. Lots of decisions to be made about me, my life, and my activities.

Scuba started last week, but I'm going to be so seriously busy at work the next few weeks I don't know how much time I'm going to be able to give to it. Hopefully I'll get some extra money with all the extra overtime.

Currently Watching '10 Things I Hate About You'

posted by Megan 9:03 PM
